Pan American Black Bass Championship

I have to say that this was the most impressive fishing event I have ever been fortunate enough to take part in. Anglers from Canada, Turtle Island First Nation, Wabanaki First Nation, United States, Puerto Rico, Columbia, Mexico, Dominican Republic and China converged on the Nackawic/ Fredericton area to compete on the Mactaquac Headpond.
For obvious reasons some of the out of country teams could not bring boats with them so the organizers requested volunteer boater/marshals for the event I was fortunate to be selected as one. I was paired up with Edwin and Turuki with Team Dominican Republic for the three official days and got the spend a day on the water with Dave Chong and Steve Nevue from Team Canada. We did one official day of practice and two days for the tournament.
The American team was a who’s who of the pro fishing world led by Team Captain Scott Martin and achored by Jacob Wheeler and a host of other top touring pros. The Canadian team featured Canada’s only Bass Master Classic Champion Jeff Gustafson, Elite angler Cooper Gallant and a strong group of regional Canadian tournament anglers. These two teams finished first {USA} and second {Canada}.
Everything that was done at the event was first class from start to finish. Anglers launched in Nackawic for the event itself and were hosted in Fredericton by the Delta Hotel.
I would like to offer congratulations to Jeff Wilson for putting such a great team together to bring an event of this magnitude to New Brunswick. It will put us on the fishing map for sure.
You can find lots of info and video on line with social media, Fishing Canada also filmed the event for broadcast later this season. It will be well worth the watching.20240926_103250




