Running a bit behind with this one but we finished up our season where we started it. We launched the boat in downtown Woodstock and hit the water with NBSFA chairperson Larry Sandford. Larry and I did the first show of the season here for some spring smallies and it seemed fitting that we come back in the late fall and go at them again. We had a beautiful fall day and caught a bunch of fish. The Jackall Rerange was great in the spring and it did not let us down in the fall fishing either. We tossed a mix of baits starting with the jerk bait, some tubes and drop shots and we caught them all day. This wasn’t my last fishing trip of the season but it was the finale of our tenth year on Rogers TV NB. A big thank you out to our great guests for the season and to our producer Shawn and the crew at Rogers. See you all in the spring as we start lining up our guests for 2020.
Drop shot was on a 7’2″ Cumara Med rod with a CI4 reel spooled with 8lb mono. Jackall Rerange was on a 7′ Shimano Exage Med rod with a 2500 Stradic FK reel.
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